The history of…
Amaral-Bailey Post 113, the American Legion, Department
of Massachusetts, Inc.
The American Legion, chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans' organization, began as a group of war-weary veterans from World War I. It quickly transformed into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States. Membership rapidly grew to over 1 million, with local posts emerging across the country. Today, the Legion boasts nearly 2 million members in more than 13,000 posts worldwide, organized into 55 departments: one for each of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the Philippines.
Founded by World War I veterans, the Legion later opened its ranks to veterans of World War II and the Korean War. In 1966, it expanded to include veterans of the Vietnam War, becoming a four-generation organization.
Originally named the Frank B. Amaral Post, it was established in honor of the first Manchester man to die in World War I. After World War II, it was renamed the Amaral-Bailey Post to also honor Richard E. Bailey, the first Manchester man killed in World War II.
The Frank B Amaral Post 113 was formed and received its charter July 29, 1919.
The first commander of the Frank B. Amaral Post was Willard Rust in 1920.
The Post has historically conducted annual Memorial Day observances, provided scholarships to local high school graduates, and sponsored Boy Scout Troop 3. For many years, it ran a Fourth of July carnival.
In 1955, the Legion sponsored two house bills to name bridges on Route 128 after Frank B. Amaral and Richard E. Bailey. The Frank B. Amaral Memorial Bridge and the Richard E. Bailey Memorial Bridge were dedicated on June 3, 1956, with a parade and plaque unveilings by each boy’s mother.
On October 27, 1960, Amaral-Bailey Post 113 acquired the land where its current headquarters now stands, located along the picturesque Manchester harbor.
In early 2020, the historic Veterans Memorial boulder in Manchester-by-the-Sea was relocated to its new home in front of the Amaral-Bailey Post 113 American Legion Hall to make way for the construction of the Manchester Veterans Honor Roll.
On September 25, 2021, the Post formally dedicated the Veterans Honor Roll, a 13-year project resulting in a 30-foot-long granite memorial. This monument stands five feet high and includes the names of around 1,000 service members who enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces while living in Manchester, covering the period from World War I to 2019.
The American Legion Riders Chapter 113 was officially chartered as part of the Amaral-Bailey Post 113, American Legion in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA on April 24, 2021.
Honor States,
Manchester-by-the-Sea Manchester Cricket Digital Archives,
The American Legion,
Richard E. Bailey enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1941 and died on August 9, 1942, when the USS Quincy was destroyed during The Battle of Savo Island, also known as the First Battle of Savo Island; he was 19
Frank B. Amaral enlisted in the 104th Infantry in Salem and died in the Battle of Apremont on April 13, 1918, at age 20.
Amaral-Bailey Post 113
Manchester American Legion