Become a member today!

To be eligible for membership, you must be in good standing with The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion. Additionally, you must be a legally registered motorcycle owner or the spouse of one.

If you have served at least one day of active military duty since December 7, 1941 and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably, you are eligible for membership with The American Legion.

American Legion - Join Online

Eligibility for membership in the Sons of The American Legion is open to male descendants, adopted sons, and stepsons of American Legion members, as well as those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge.

​​​​​​​​​​Amaral-Bailey Post 113​

Manchester American Legion

Membership is available to those who do not fall under the previous categories, with no specific requirements or prerequisites needed. 

Eligibility for American Legion Auxiliary membership is open to grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of American Legion members, as well as those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge. Additionally, women who are eligible for membership in The American Legion themselves are also eligible.

Amaral-Bailey Post 113, Manchester American Legion

 Social Membership

Phone: 978-526-4591

14 Church Street, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box A, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944